
It's the most wonderful time of the year, and in 2001, Sean went all out decorating the house and the "grounds".  He is so very creative!

fireplace.jpg (19663 bytes)    Ah, the fireplace.  It would be ready for Santa, if we hadn't taken out the wood-burning fireplace and replaced it with a pellet stove.  That's a pretty small opening!

tree1.jpg (22014 bytes)    Our tree.  The ornament density is quite high, but it's ours, and we like it!

trainshelf.jpg (20830 bytes)    Did I mention we have a lot of ornaments?  That's a ten-foot tree up there, and this is the shelf holding all the train ornaments which DIDN'T fit on the tree!

centerpiece.jpg (24228 bytes)    The centerpiece that Sean and I made for our dining room table.  These are greens cut from our tree and from outside our home.

outside1.jpg (11757 bytes)    The garage and two trees in front.

outside2.jpg (7529 bytes)    The fence line is all lit, along with another tree out in front of the house by the road.

outside3.jpg (10849 bytes)    The eaves of the house are hung with icicle lights.

snowwreath.jpg (25727 bytes)    But God provided the prettiest decoration!  Eight inches of snow on December 12th/13th!


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